ラインゴルド急行客車5両セット 5-tlg. Set Rheingold Schnellzugwagen-Set DRG Ep II ACサウンド
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ドイツ国有鉄道Ep2のラインゴルド急行5両セット サウンド搭載機です。AC仕様でメルクリンの線路で走行可能です。
メーカー: Brawa (ブラバ)
スケール:H0 1:87
鉄道会社: DRG
Era 分類: 2
全長 : 1306mm
5-part Set Rheingold express train passenger car set of the DRG, epoch II.
1. DRG SA4ü-28 express train passenger car
Road no. 10 502 Cologne
2. DRG SA4üK-28 express train passenger car
Road no. 10 501 Cologne
- 1st class saloon car
- With a kitchen
3. Express train passenger car SB4ü-28 of the DRG
Road no. 10 702 Cologne
- 1st class saloon car
4. Express train wagon SB4üK-29 DRG
Road no. 10 707 Cologne
- 2nd class saloon car
- With a kitchen
5. Luggage car SPw4ü-28 of the DRG
Road no. 105 001 Cologne
- Variant-appropriate design differences
- Different designs of roofs and car floors
- Exact replica of the Görlitz II heavy bogies
- Complete replica of the braking system
- Individually inserted table lamps
- Exactly reproduced vehicle frames
- Multi-part interior fittings
- Close coupling kinematics
- Three-point mounting in metal axle brackets
- Metal wheels
- Precisely fitted windows
- The finest details engraved with sharp contours
- Table lighting (individual tables and lights)
- Sound (operating and kitchen noises)
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- トップ
- ブラバ Brawa
- HO 客車