ディーゼル機関車(DL) BR 228 DB AG epoch V 6-axle
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ドイツ国鉄Ep5のDL BR228です。独特のボディー形状、ドイツらしい顔つきのDLをリアルかつ的確に再現しています。
メーカー: PIKO
スケール:H0 1:87
鉄道会社: DB AG
Era 分類:5
デジタルインターフェース: NEM652
フライホイール : 装備
ゴム車輪 : 1軸
全長 : 224mm
ヘッドライト: 進行方向に3灯/後退方向に2灯
New for 2022: Pressure variant of the BR 118 as the BR 228 of the DB AG in Era V. The H0 model impresses with a clear, functionally reliable and low-maintenance design. Thanks to the powerful engine with two precisely balanced flywheels and the elegant cardan shaft drives on the four or six-axle bogies, the PIKO V 180 demonstrates balanced driving characteristics in all speed ranges. Two wheels with traction tires are mounted diagonally on the two axles running on the inside of the bogies. In combination with the sophisticated drive concept, they ensure high tractive forces. The robust, reliable model is supplied by PIKO in all the design and color variants known from the prototype. In addition to numerous, separately applied parts, the precisely engraved areas, such as fan grilles, door handles, handrail bars and windscreen wipers, leave the impression of free-standing details due to their conciseness. The model has an 8-pin interface for easy retrofitting of a digital decoder and is also prepared for sound retrofitting.
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- トップ
- ピコ PIKO
- HO ディーゼル機関車