鉄道建設、保守用貨車3両セット 3 construction/maintenance train wagons DB epoch IV
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Ep4のドイツ国鉄 鉄道建設、メンテナンス貨車3両セットです。
スケール:H0 1:87
鉄道会社: DB
Era 分類: 4
全長 : 570mm(3両)
The set contains 3 construction/maintenance train wagons of the Deutsche Bundesbahn.
The set contains a residential/sleeper, a wagon for the construction team manager and a equipment wagon.
* The wagons perfectly match the crane train of the DB.
Every vehicle fleet of a railway administration should also have some special wagons as they are indispensable for the maintenance of the rail facilities. Often it is old goods wagons or passenger coaches that have been specially modified and prepared for their new purpose. One group of these special vehicles are the construction train carriages. They can often be found as complete, colourfully arranged trains next to rail construction sites. Although no one pays much attention to these vehicles, they are nevertheless important for the smooth operation on the railways. And not least for this reason, these vehicles will create an authentic atmosphere also on your model railway layout.
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