ビール、エール醸造所 Milwaukee Beer and Ale Brewery Kit
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スケール:HO 1/87
Skoal! Prost! Salut! No matter how you say it, this handsome brewery building will be the toast of your railroad. Many started as small, local suppliers, eventually growing into huge operations, thanks to the railroads. In every era, these facilities require an amazing variety of freight cars. Box cars and hoppers bring in grains and malt, as well as empty barrels, bottles, bottle caps or cans. Hoppers haul in coal and one or two may depart with loads of broken glass. Gondolas haul scrap aluminum. Tank cars arrive with natural gas, or corn syrup, while others carry beer in bulk. Insulated box cars and reefers bring in hops, then haul the finished products to market. Milwaukee Beer & Ale will add plenty of operation to your present railroad, and if space is limited, it can be the main industry of a small switching layout. Its ornate trim, brick construction and various sizes and shapes of windows and doors (all molded separately) make it look right in any era. It's perfect as the main building in a vintage scene, or as an older part of a modern complex.
Platic Kit12-3/8 x 10 x 12" 30.9 x 4 x 30cm
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- HO 工場、店舗