50フィートカバーホッパー貨車 50' Airslide Hopper, GACX #47924
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在庫数: 2 残りわずか!
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50フィートカバーホッパー貨車 GACXです。
スケール:N 1/160
These 50' Airslide hoppers are light blue with blue side panel and yellow lettering and run on Barber Roller Bearing trucks. GATX produced the 4180 cf Airslide covered hoppers between 1963 and 1980 providing customers with an innovative way to load and unload product quickly via air pressure. The unusual box car style design for this hopper allowed for more interior volume than standard hoppers of equal size. Three variations of the body were built, this GACX car represents the post 1973 design and proved rugged enough to be in service today.
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